SEASide Webinar: Why Library Partners are Critical to the All of Us Research Program – Sep 27, 2018 – 1 PM ET

Pre-Register: Pre-registration for this free webinar is strongly encouraged, but not required. Visit our registration page to sign up!

Presenter: April Wright, All of Us Community Engagement Coordinator, NNLM SEA

Abstract: Why are libraries essential to building a comprehensive educational experience for participants in the All of Us Research program? What can your library do to support this initiative?

The NIH All of Us Research Program endeavors to build a databank of genetic information from at least 1 million participants from diverse backgrounds who will share their health data over a period of 10 years with the goal of discovering individualized treatments for and diagnoses of diseases. The All of Us Research Program has partnered with the National Library of Medicine and NNLM to help public libraries in supporting the health information needs of their users by providing health information training for public library staff, funding and other resources to support health programming and activities, and connections to medical libraries and other NNLM members in their area.

Join April Wright, NNLM SEA All of Us Community Engagement Coordinator, to: learn about the All of Us Community Engagement Network, All of Us resources available, and discover how you and your library can be engaged with this national initiative and bring healthy outcomes to your community.

Upon completion of the SEAside Webinar, each participant will receive 1.0 contact hour of continuing education credit award by the Medical Library Association. Participants will receive a code to which they will enter in medlib-ed.

To Join the Training Session

·        Website:

·        Session number: 622 414 939

·        Session password: nnlm


To Join the Training Session (Quick Jump)

1.      Go to:
2. Enter your name and email address (or registration ID).
3. Enter the session password: nnlm
4. Click “Join Now”.
5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.


To Join the Session by Phone Only

·        To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the training session, or call the number below and enter the access code.

·        Call-in toll number (US/Canada):1-650-479-3208

·        Global call-in numbers

·        Access code: 622 414 939​