From: Diana Sinton
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 3:42 PM
Subject: [UCGIS] Change Detection for Land Cover Mapping: An Upcoming Open, Online Advanced NASA Remote Sensing Training
To: Raposo, Paulo

This might be of interest to some…
NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) will be providing a webinar series in September on using using satellite imagery to map changes in land cover.
Land cover changes can impact many areas of life. These changes can affect deforestation, ecological communities, wildfire extent, and urban growth. This advanced series will focus on using satellite imagery to map changes in land cover. Attendees will learn change detection methods, including image subtraction and classification. They will also conduct their own change detection analysis. This training will use QGIS, the R statistical program, and the Random Forest algorithm. Both sessions will feature a lecture, time to complete a hands-on exercise, and time for questions.
Course Date and Time: Fridays, September 28 and October 5, with the same content being presented at 10:00 and 18:00 EDT (UTC-4).
Learning Objectives are to become familiar with Landsat bands and color combinations and to understand how to visualize change in land cover using Landsat data. Attendees will learn the basic steps for change detection by 
1) Conducting image subtraction between two dates using QGIS; 
2) Creating multi-date Landsat layer stacks; 
3) Conducting multi-date land cover classification using the Random Forest classification ; 
4) Identifying and analyzing changes in land cover.
Registration: This webinar is free and open but you must register. Please only register for one of the daily sessions:
Please see the Training URL to register at
Best wishes,

University Consortium for Geographic Information Science • P.O. Box 612, Ithaca, New York 14851, United States • 607-252-6851
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