Video Round Table Notable Films for Adults Committee Call for Nominees


Have you seen a fantastic film lately? We want to hear about it!

The VRT Notable Films for Adults Committee is accepting nominations for outstanding films. The Notable Films Committee selects up to 15 titles each year that represent the best films for libraries released in the past two years. 

The five categories of films that we consider for inclusion are Animation (non-feature length), Documentary/Educational, Personal Essay, Performance and Video Art and How-To or Instructional.

Titles must be nominated by librarians who are not affiliated with video producers or distributors, and who have viewed the film in its entirety.  

We need your suggestions!  If you would like to recommend a video, please read the criteria and selection procedures then fill out the suggestion form.

You can also check out the 2018 Notable Films for Adults!


In 1998, the Video Round Table established the Notable Videos for Adults list, as a means of providing guidance to public and academic librarians involved in building dynamic and balanced video collections for an adult clientele. The list recognizes the growing number and enormous diversity of documentaries, educational and instructional titles, and performance works for adults available. Each year a committee comprised of VRT members selects the best fifteen educational, performance or how-to titles released during the previous and current calendar years. The committee makes its selections during the ALA Midwinter Meeting and the list is published in the March issue of Booklist.

Tiffany Hudson
Chair, VRT (FMRT) Notable Videos for Adults Committee
Audiovisual Selector
Salt Lake City Public Library System
210 East 400 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84111