

I hope you are planning to join us today for a Q&A with Anthony Haynes. Please be thinking of questions you might have about the state legislature and advocating for the university! I’m looking forward to a candid conversation with you all.

Campus Communicators: Government Relations and Advocacy

Join us for a Q&A with Anthony Haynes, vice president for government relations and advocacy. Learn about the work of UT's Government Relations and Advocacy office and how the communications community can support their goals. Additionally, you can learn about your personal rights and responsibilities as it pertains to political involvement or lobbying.

Learn more about the Government Relations and Advocacy office and UT Advocacy, the official grassroots network of the University of Tennessee.

 Thursday, August 2 at 1:30pm to 3:00pm

 John C Hodges Library, 101 
1015 Volunteer Blvd, Knoxville TN

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