I really appreciate all of the positive response we have gotten from the shirt design. As suggested by many of you we are also offering the same design in a grey. We are going to start official pre-orders to ensure that we can get enough made in time for the fall. If you are interested in getting the shirts asap please fill out the form below, indicating Name, size, color preference, and quantity. We will be placing our order on Friday June 29th, so all orders and payments will be due at that time. The shirts will cost $20 each (all profit goes to supporting VOLF activities). Payment can be made in person, or mailed to the VRC (Cash or Check) at G020 Hodges Library, 1015 Volunteer Blvd. Knoxville TN 37996

-Kyle McAlister


The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Veterans Resource Center
G020 Hodges Library
1015 Volunteer Blvd
Knoxville Tn 37996

VRC Phone 865-974-5420    VRC Fax 865-974-8517
Our website address is http://veterans.utk.edu/