

Dear undergrads,

This coming Fall, I will offer GEOG 510 Geographic Software Design, 
which will focus on Web GIS. This course has no prerequisite, and we 
will start from the very basics of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. We will 
then move on to using the APIs of Google Maps and an open source API 
Leaflet for creating web-based 2D maps. Finally, we will learn Cesium 
APIs to create web-based 3D maps and virtual globes. *At the end of this 
course, you will be able to build a personal website and embed a map in 
it to tell your story.*

While this is a 500-level course, it is also open to undergrads. Please 
feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Yingjie Hu
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

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