Good afternoon, All,

It's hard to believe that the TLA Conference is next week--April 4th - 6th--in Memphis!

You may still register at the Conference site; click here to see the entire conference booklet.


The slides for the TLA 2018 Everything You Need to Know webinar hosted by TLA's own New Members Roundtable provide

  • step-by-step instructions for how to design your conference schedule using Sched,
  • suggestions for ways to save money, and
  • "Tips to Have Your Best Conference."


There are still some rooms at the Hilton Memphis; call 901 684 6664 to book. (At this writing, the rooms discounted through TLA are sold out--but will be added back in to our block should people cancel their registrations.)

As you're planning what to do while in Memphis, please consider visiting the University of Memphis to see a 20-page speech that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered in Chicago in 1965 on display in the rotunda of the McWherter Library. It is a rare and remarkable artifact, and I'm proud of the impressive exhibit that the University Libraries created and mounted to provide historical context.

Please let us know if you have any questions!


-- Bess Robinson and Jamie Osborn, on behalf of the 2018 TLA Annual Conference Program Team

Bess Robinson

Interim Dean
University Libraries

UofM logo The University of Memphis 
124 Ned R. McWherter Library
Memphis, TN 38152 

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