Join us for "States Respond: The Fight for Net Neutrality Continues," March 28, 2018, 2:00-3:00 p.m. CST, a conversation focused on how librarians are involved in efforts to enact state level protections for net neutrality. Joining us will be Larra Clark, Deputy Director of the Washington Office; Kieran Ayton and Julie Holden, President and Vice President of the Rhode Island Library Association; Kate Laughlin, Executive Director of the Washington Library Association; and Cindy Aden, Washington State Librarian.  Register today!

Bookmark Chapter Advocacy Exchange for past webinar recordings and how to register for this and other upcoming free webinars presented regularly by the ALA Chapter Relations Office and the ALA Office for Library Advocacy.


If you cannot participate, be sure to come back to Chapter Advocacy Exchange for a link to the recording.


Please join your colleagues for yet another informative webinar!


~Courtney F
Tennessee Chapter Councilor