

Dear All:

I visited the hotel last March and gathered some information on getting to the hotel from the airport DEN. The option for public transportation is limited but available.

n  DEN to Union Station via rail route A (see the link to Map for Rail and Bus below)

n  Union Station to US 36-Church Ranch stop via bus FF1 Westbound (you can see the hotel when you get off the bus stop)

n  A short walk via Promenade (see attached map) [Hotel may be able to pick you up please call in advance]

Map for Rail and Bus
Bus schedule (~ 15-minute interval during rush hour; trip is ~ 20-minute from Union Station)

Note: If you take rail route B to Westminster Station, which is six miles from the hotel, you will need to catch another bus to get to US36-Church Ranch stop or take a cab.

Let me know if you need further information.
