


Good Morning GBP!

For those of you that asked about volunteering during the national convention. We are looking for 15 volunteers for the upcoming national convention in February. We are looking for the following: 

·         Greeters (Friday evening)

·         Greeters (Saturday morning)

·         Working the GBP merchandise table (Saturday morning)

·         Helping the NEC Officers oversee the in-house community service projects on Saturday afternoon Volunteers for the Gala ( appropriate attire).

 You will receive a point for each hour of volunteering done. Please choose one of the events that you would like to volunteer for and let me know by Friday Jan.26th.Remember, we are looking for 15 volunteers ( first come first serve). Also please send in you T-shirt sizes as well. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards, 

Yasir A. Ghazi

Student member National executive committee Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society
President- Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society UTK chapter 
President- American medical student Association UTK chapter

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