

Good morning, GBP members!
I hope this semester is going well for everyone. I’m emailing about the upcoming meeting and to remind everyone about some important things to remember.
At the next meeting we will be talking about chapter dues, service hours, the t-shirt competition, the induction ceremony, committees, and the National Service Competition.
Submissions for the t-shirt contest will be open until Fall Break, so we will stop taking submissions at the end of the day October 3rd. Then we’ll send everyone a link to vote online, so that we can announce the winner at the next meeting, on October 19th. The winner will get a free t-shirt, and their t-shirt will be sold at inductions.
It is MANDATORYfor everyone to join a committee, and in doing so, you will get one of your nine points. We have four committees: professional development, fundraising, food and social, and projects. We will be voting on a chair and a co-chair for each committee at the next meeting. If you haven’t joined a committee yet, please email me at [log in to unmask]
Chapter dues are $15, and you can either pay with the PayPal link we’ll send out soon or bring cash or a check to the next meeting. If you have any questions or concerns about paying you can email Karsten Parker at [log in to unmask]
Remember, you must attend at least two meetings a semester to stay in good standing, so I hope to see everyone this Friday at 5:30 PM in HSS 207.
-      Casey Hall
GBP Corresponding Secretary

- Casey Hall

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