

Registration is now available for the December 20, 2017 Talking Freight Seminar


Please note that the registration process for these seminars has changed. Non-USDOT employees must have an FHWA external collaboration account to register. If you do not already have an account please visit to request one. Once you have an account you can register through the registration links below.


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Date/Time: December 20, 2017  1:00 – 2:30 pm ET

Topic: Good Practices in MPO Freight Planning




Description and Presentations: Freight transportation planning has become more prominent at all levels of government, including the metropolitan region level, in recent years as freight transportation volumes have grown, freight transportation delivery patterns have diversified, and freight transportation policies, such as the FAST Act, has been implemented.  Metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) of all sizes have been taking steps to improve their freight planning initiatives.  Some of these steps have included developing regional freight transportation plans, creating and convening regional goods movement committees that include public and private sector representation, examining and better understanding regional freight transportation flows, and identifying freight generating land uses within their jurisdictions.  Larger MPOs with more staff and resources in particular have been able to implement various initiatives that have broadened the state of the practice in MPO freight planning, but smaller MPOs have also been able to increasingly integrate freight transportation into their MPO transportation planning initiatives through noteworthy practices, despite their more limited staffing and resources.


This webinar will examine good freight transportation planning practices being conducted by three large or medium-sized MPOs around the United States.


Overview of the Philly Freight Finder Tool

This presentation will discuss the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s (DVRPC, which serves as the Philadelphia area MPO) Philly Freight Finder, a software tool that incorporates data about freight facilities and freight generating land uses to examine regional freight transportation flows in the Philadelphia metropolitan area, the seventh-largest metropolitan area in the U.S.



Using Freight Data in the Greater Los Angeles Area

This presentation will examine freight transportation flows and patterns within the Southern California Association of Government’s (SCAG, which serves as the greater Los Angeles area MPO) jurisdiction.  The greater Los Angeles area is the second-largest urban area in the United States and home to the two largest container seaports in the U.S.



Freight Planning Initiatives in the Albany/Schenectady/Troy Metropolitan Area

This presentation will talk about some of the freight transportation planning efforts currently being conducted by the Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC, which serves as the Albany/Schenectady/Troy area MPO), including the development of a regional Freight Priority Network and the region’s Freight Advisory Committee’s activities.  The CDTC area contains over 900,000 residents.





If you have not yet participated in Talking Freight, I encourage you to do so. These monthly seminars, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration, are held via web conference, which means that you view the PowerPoint presentations over the Internet while listening to the presenters over your computer or the telephone. There is no cost involved and you do not have to leave your desk to participate. More information about Talking Freight is available at  Links to past presentations and recordings are available on


Talking Freight seminars are eligible for 1.5 AICP Certification Maintenance Credits (for AICP members). In order to receive credit, you must attend the full seminar and login to the seminar with your full name or type your full name into the chat area during the seminar if you are in a room with a group of people. Visit the AICP web site for more information about AICP Certification Maintenance Credits.


In addition, FHWA is now offering PDH certificates for those who are interested.


If you have any questions about the webinar content, please contact Chip Millard, FHWA Freight Office, at 202-366-4415 or [log in to unmask]If you have any questions about the technology aspects of the webinar, please contact Jennifer Symoun, Toxcel, 703-754-0248, [log in to unmask]






Jennifer Symoun, PMP | toXcel
Director, Transportation Technology

Office: 703.754.0248 (x8208)
[log in to unmask] |