

As a reminder, please join the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Office of Freight Management and Operations and the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) in the third webinar of a three-part series focused on the Freight Analysis Framework (FAF).


“How to Leverage FAF4 Freight Data for Transportation Analysis: Example Cases from the Oregon and Tennessee DOTs”

Thursday, December 14th

1:00-2:30 PM Eastern


To attend the webinar, please register using the below link. You will receive details on how to log into the webinar after registering.



This webinar will feature the following speakers:


Becky Knudson, Senior Transportation Economist, Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)

Ms. Knudson will discuss ODOT’s use of FAF data to support transportation investment decision-making in Oregon, including how ODOT has used FAF4 data for bottlenecks, commodity flows, and freight flow forecasting analyses.


Casey Langford, Policy Office Supervisor-Long Range Planning Division, Tennessee DOT (TDOT)

Kevin Teagarden, Policy Planning Specialist-Long Range Planning Division, TDOT

Sabyasachee Mishra, Assistant Professor-Department of Civil Engineering, University of Memphis

Mihalis Golias, Associate Professor-Department of Civil Engineering, University of Memphis

Dr. Langford, Mr. Teagarden, Dr. Mishra and Dr. Golias will discuss a joint effort by TDOT and the University of Memphis to develop a resource allocation model using FAF4 and other datasets. By applying this model, TDOT identified low-cost, high-impact transportation projects as well as when, where, and which projects should be implemented. The speakers will also discuss how FAF4 data and the resource allocation model support TDOT’s overall transportation planning and policy decision-making activities.


Contact Information:

Please contact [log in to unmask] with any questions.


Additional Notes:

This webinar is aimed at practitioners with basic or no knowledge of the FAF but who would like to move to the next experience level. This webinar will also provide a useful foundation for future FAF webinars. Please feel free to forward this invitation to interested colleagues. We hope you will be able to participate!


This webinar is the third of a three-part series. FHWA may hold additional webinars at a later date; please continue to check the FAF website for information or email [log in to unmask].


Archived recordings of past FHWA FAF webinars are available here.