

Undergrads and Grad Students, please see below from Professor Devon Burr in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.  Geology/Geography 450 is a cross-listed course -- you can take it for Geography credit or for Geology credit.

Best wishes,

Sally Horn

Hello, all.

Next semester, Spring 2018, I will teach GEOG450, Geomorphology.  This is a 3-credit course for undergraduate and graduate students, to learn to love to look at landscapes!

As shown on the attached syllabus, the course will meet MW 11:15 – 12:05 Strong Hall 126  for review of the assigned readings, student presentations, and other in-class activities, and F 11:15 – 1:10 for laboratory exercises.  There is also a short poetry assignment.

The recommended background for the course is two 100-level geology or geography courses and high school physics. Please contact me if you are interested in taking the course but do not have the recommended background, or have any other questions.

All the best, and happy holidays --

Devon Burr

Devon Burr

Associate Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences Department

University of Tennessee Knoxville, Strong Hall 602

1621Cumberland Ave., Knoxville TN 37996-1410


Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences | The ...<>
My research in planetary science is in the field of planetary geomorphology. I specialize in how various processes may have shaped planetary surfaces and what those ...

BRIGHT Group | College of Arts & Sciences<>
The Burr Researchers In Geomorphology, Hydrology, and Tectonics (BRIGHT) works in the field of planetary geomorphology, the study of how various processes may

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