

Dear Colleagues,

As the 2016 winner of this award, I am helping the Southern Nursery Association to organize nominees for the 2017 Porter Henegar Award.   The recipient is selected annually by fellow research / extension colleagues in recognition of the nominees outstanding contributions to ornamental horticultural research, and more specifically, their service to SNA.

The process is outlined in the attached Word document, but at this time I would like to solicit nominees from you, as well as anyone else (outside of the NC-1186 group) who you think is deserving of this award.
I will close nominations on the 31st October, and compile all nominees into a ballot which will then be send to all active past recipients (listed in the document).  So please consult this list before nominating someone.   Please also provide details of the person with your nomination.  If you can provide a recent summary (2-page) CV, that would be most helpful in ensuring the consideration of your nominee.

Many thanks for helping me get a list of worthy nominees together.



Dr. John Lea-Cox
Professor, Nursery and Greenhouse Research, Extension Specialist
Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
2120, Plant Science Building | (4291 Field House Drive)
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-4452

Office (301) 405-4323
Cell (301) 535-2567
Fax (301) 314-9308
Skype: john.lea-cox