Join the School of Information Sciences for a talk by Dr. Dan Russell, Google’s Uber Tech Lead for Search Quality and User Happiness on Monday, Nov 6, from 10:00am-11:00am in Scripps Theater (Communications Building).  Zoom room:


Following his lecture, the School of Information Sciences will host a discussion session with Dr. Russell for local information professionals from 11:15am-12:00pm in the Adam Brown Social Media Center, and from 12:15pm-1:30pm a lunch session with CCI graduate students in the Scripps Theater (lunch provided).  Please use the form below to sign-up for these discussion sessions:


Lecture title:  “Search is not yet a solved problem for systems OR searchers”


Abstract:  Since search engines seem so powerful and potent, the temptation is to think that the "search problem" is pretty much done--it works, it's fast, and there hasn't been significant evolution in years.  But this is not the case.  I'll talk about how people currently use and think about search, both as a tool for everyday pedestrian tasks and for deeper insights into research questions. Broadly speaking, people don't really understand how search works, nor what it can do for them.  This limits their mental models of search, and has a negative effect on what the kinds of questions they think about posing. I'll also discuss some of the future of search and how it will evolve.  


Bio:  Daniel Russell is Google's Ûber Tech Lead for Search Quality and User Happiness in Mountain View.  He earned his PhD in computer science, specializing in Artificial Intelligence until he realized that amplifying human intelligence was his real passion.  His day job is understanding how people search for information, and the ways they come to learn about the world through Google.  His 20% job is teaching the world to search more effectively.  His MOOC,, is currently hosting 3,000 learners / week in the course. In the past 2 years, 3.6M students have attended his online search classes.  At this rate, during 2016, students taking the online course engaged in over 200 years of learning.  Dan enjoys teaching, learning, running and music, preferably all in one day.



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