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Tennessee Extension Master Gardener Workshop
UT Plateau Research and Education Center, Crossville, TN
June 8th, 2017
Hosted by the Cumberland County Master Gardener Association

Schedule (Central Time):
8:00 to 8:30- Registration (Garden Classroom)
8:30 to 8:50- Welcome
9:00 to 10:00- Workshop session 1
10:15 to 11:15- Workshop session 2
11:30 to 12:15- Lunch
12:30 to 1:30- Workshop session 3
1:45 to 2:45- Workshop session 4
3:00 to 3:30- Closing (Garden Classroom)

Paper registration form attached and for registration by secure credit card payment, click:

All information is also listed on the front page of the TEMG website:

Workshop Sessions 1 and 3
Aquatic weeds in home ponds (Creig Kimbro)
Weed control is one of the largest challenges in our home landscapes. We can't escape them in water, in fact, because ponds and water features can also have issues with weeds. For these unique environments, specific information and guidance is needed on best management practices. Join Grundy County Extension agent and Tennessee Extension central region fisheries and wildlife expert for an interactive session on managing weeds in home ponds. This session will incorporate a discussion near the pond on the Plateau Research and Education Center to connect the information to real life.

Dogwood trees and managing diseases in the home landscape (Dr. Mark Windham)
One of our most common flowering trees, dogwood, is threatened by several foliar diseases, including dogwood Anthracnose and powdery mildew. Breeding for resistance is a crucial element of control, and several disease resistant cultivars have been released by researchers at the University of Tennessee. Join UT's distinguished professor in the Entomology and Plant Pathology Department, for a discussion of resistant dogwood cultivars, their use and application in landscapes along with managing other disease challenges on flowering trees.

How to begin and manage a demonstration garden (Nancy Christopherson)
Demonstration gardens are one of the most common outreach opportunities for EMG volunteers ranging from small beds to multi-acre sites. The UT Gardens, Crossville: Plateau Discovery Gardens had its beginning as an EMG demonstration garden and has grown to be the 3rd site of the UT Gardens, the state botanical garden of Tennessee. Hear the successes and "whoopsies" experienced in this demonstration garden, opportunities that you may want to take home or AVOID!

Garden photography (Beth Willis)
Learn techniques and ideas for capturing the beauty of the plants in your garden in this interactive session on garden photography. Join the membership and volunteer coordinator from the UT Gardens- Knoxville and frequent instructor in UT Gardens classes for a hands-on photography class Bring your camera with you!

Workshop Sessions 1 and 3

Tennessee Smart Yards- the 'garden' in rain garden (Dr. Andrea Ludwig)
When you think of a rain garden, the concepts of water and soil probably come to mind first. That is certainly accurate, but we don't want to ever overlook the role of plants and their performance in the rain garden. Join UT Assoc. Prof. and Extension Specialist and UT and our resident rain garden guru, for a session that focuses on the role of plants in the rain garden and management of the garden as it matures. This session will feature the rain garden on the PREC for a realistic look at a relatively mature rain garden.

Garden Detective- why did my plant die? (Carol Reese)
Join western region ornamental Extension specialist for an interactive and entertaining diagnostic journey through the garden. There are many means of mortality in the ornamental landscape- often of our own making. Pest or disease should be considered only after making sure it wasn't inadvertently killed by the gardener! What about a plant might make it doomed it from the start? Learn contributing clues in your own landscape or when assisting residents with questions to find, diagnose, and prevent the issues in landscapes that threaten the health and beauty of our plantings.
The Master Gardener and horticulture research (Dr. Natalie Bumgarner and Fred Mullen)
When you hear the word research, a sophisticated lab or acres of replicated plantings may come to mind. While that is certainly research, the world of horticulture research has many facets that benefit from the 'Master Gardener touch'. Your ever informative leader along with Cumberland County Master Gardener Association's vegetable sage will provide a multi-faceted look at MGs and research in both edible and ornamental crops. Natalie will focus on the key role of MGs in evaluating new cultivars and new UT programs that rely on these connections. Fred will focus on the local benefit of research plots and share outreach experiences linked with MG trial plots. You might just leave with some research materials (ie plants/seeds) to begin some backyard science of your own!

Designing and using the KinderGarden (Beth Morgan)
One of the most colorful and musical recent additions to the UT Gardens, Crossville: Plateau Discovery Gardens has been the KinderGarden. Designed specifically to provide interactive educational experiences for pre-school and primary aged students, the KinderGarden has relied on the expertise and dedication of several experienced teachers and gardeners in the Cumberland County Master Gardener Association. Hear the vision for the KinderGarden and how the educational and horticultural elements were incorporated into the garden and how the community utilizes these opportunities.

Workshop Offered Each Sessions

Wagon tour of the Plateau Research and Education Center (Center Staff)
The UT Plateau AgResearch and Education Center operates as one of 10 Research and Education Centers in the UT AgResearch system, noted for its studies in beef, fruits and vegetables, field crops, and ornamentals. Information from studies at the Center is applicable to small, part-time, family farm operations. Take a wagon tour of to hear of current research being conducted on this site.

Natalie R. Bumgarner, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture
Tennessee Extension Master Gardener Coordinator
Plant Sciences Department
252 Ellington Plant Sciences, 2431 Joe Johnson Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996

1-865-974-7308 Office / 1-304-615-9243 Mobile
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