Good morning,

I spoke with OIT about our Listserv.  What I am told is that some of our recipient’s email systems are rejecting our messages because the header is too large.   It is not strictly the header but most likely the hyperlinks in my signature or other sender’s signatures based on our recent tests.  The links cause the system’s spam filter at some universities to have extra overhead, which causes the message to go over the limit.  Just removing the hyperlinks and putting the actual url in there may help, but for now I am going to try not to use my full signature when I send something to the NC1186 listserv so it doesn’t get rejected.  As universities change systems we have may more or fewer or different members of NC1186 that are affected by it-current member list is below.  So limiting urls and other data in signatures is best for any sender. 


I will forward Anthony’s message from this morning.  If you don’t receive it, please let me know! 


Thank you!





[log in to unmask]     James Altland

[log in to unmask]          Bill Bauerle

[log in to unmask]             Mandy Bayer

[log in to unmask]               Richard Beeson

[log in to unmask]               Bridget Behe

[log in to unmask]              Guihong Bi

[log in to unmask]         Eugene K. Blythe

[log in to unmask]                Cheryl Boyer

[log in to unmask]             Doug Buhler

[log in to unmask]      Raul Cabrera

[log in to unmask]               Matthew Chappell

[log in to unmask]        Yan Chen

[log in to unmask]             Lauren Crawford

[log in to unmask]                  Bert Cregg

[log in to unmask]       Win Dunwell

[log in to unmask]        Win C. Dunwell

[log in to unmask]           Winston Dunwell

[log in to unmask]               Winston Dunwell

[log in to unmask]               Tom Fernandez

[log in to unmask]                Paul Fisher

[log in to unmask]    Amy Fulcher

[log in to unmask]               Amy Fulcher

[log in to unmask]          Gary Grabow

[log in to unmask]                   Mengmeng Gu

[log in to unmask]           Charlie Hall

[log in to unmask]              Darren Haver

[log in to unmask]        Frank Henning

[log in to unmask]                 Chuan Hong

[log in to unmask]              Hye-Ji Kim

[log in to unmask]              Jongyun Kim

[log in to unmask]                   Ping Kong

[log in to unmask]                    John Lea-Cox

[log in to unmask]        Anthony LeBude

[log in to unmask]            John Majsztrik

[log in to unmask]   Salvatore Mangiafico

[log in to unmask]              Garry McDonald

[log in to unmask]         Don Merhaut

[log in to unmask]            Michael V Mickelbart

[log in to unmask]           Julie Newman

[log in to unmask]               Genhua Niu

[log in to unmask]              Loren Oki

[log in to unmask]                   Teresa Olczyk

[log in to unmask]          Jim Owen

[log in to unmask]                  Jim Owen

[log in to unmask]                Jim Owen

[log in to unmask] Jennifer Parke

[log in to unmask]        Rosa Raudales

[log in to unmask]               Andrew Ristvey

[log in to unmask]                  John Ruter

[log in to unmask]              Terri Starman

[log in to unmask]               Dan Struve

[log in to unmask]            Sarah White

[log in to unmask]   Sarah White

[log in to unmask]            Sarah Whtie

[log in to unmask]             Amy Wright

[log in to unmask]                Tom Yeager


* Total number of users subscribed to the list:     56

* Total number of local host users on the list:      0




Amy Fulcher
University of Tennessee