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Good afternoon,


The first of our three day-long regional TEMG workshops will be in the eastern region and will be hosted by the Cumberland County Master Gardener Association. So, join us at the Plateau Research and Education Center on Thursday, June 8th, 2017.


The whole day on June 8th will be spent in the beautiful UT Gardens, Crossville: Plateau Discovery Gardens. Begun in 2005, the UTG,C:PDG has grown into a lovely, regionally appropriate demonstration garden that showcases not only horticultural plants and techniques but also a collaboration of CCMGA volunteers with UT Extension and AgResearch that has impressive impact in the community.


Educational sessions for the day include:

Managing aquatic weeds in home ponds (Creig Kimbro)

Dogwood trees and managing diseases in the home landscape (Dr. Mark Windham)                          

Garden photography (Beth Willis)

How to begin and manage demonstration gardens (CCMGA team)

Tennessee Smart Yards (Dr. Andrea Ludwig)

Garden Detective- Why did my plant die? (Carol Reese)                            

The Master Gardener role in horticulture research (Dr. Natalie Bumgarner and Fred Mullen)

Designing and using the KinderGarden (CCMGA team)

Wagon tours of the Plateau Research and Education Center


These regional workshops are not limited to TEMGs in the region, and volunteers are welcome to attend any or all three of the 2017 workshops. Look for all updates and information for the workshops on the TEMG state webpage. Information coming soon on the central region workshop!


We look forward to seeing you on June 8th!


Natalie R. Bumgarner, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture

Tennessee Extension Master Gardener Coordinator

Plant Sciences Department

252 Ellington Plant Sciences, 2431 Joe Johnson Drive

Knoxville, TN 37996


1-865-974-7308 Office / 1-304-615-9243 Mobile

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