

Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached our latest newsletter containing the updates on the statistics of the upcoming ISVLV and IRS meetings, some offers from nearby hotels with a direct booking link, and a little folkloric curiosity.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Budapest!

 Yours, Tibor (on behalf of the Organizing Committee)

Tibor Papp, PhD, DVM
Institute for Veterinary Medical Research,
Agricultural Research Center of the Hung. Acad. Sci.,
H-1143 Budapest, Hungária krt. 21, Hungary
Postal address: H-1581 Budapest, P.O. Box 18, Hungary
Telephone: +36 1 467-4082 Mobile: +36 20 6186114
Telefax: +36 1 467-4076, +36 1 252-1069