

Dear Global Ranavirus Consortium (GRC) Members and Colleagues:


We are opening nominations for election of GRC Board members.  Positions that are up for election are:


Associate Director

Secretary/Treasurer, and

5 Regional Representatives (nominees must be located in the region where they are nominated)

1.  Asia

2.  Australia

3.  Europe & Africa

4.  Central & South America

5.  North America.


The responsibilities of each of these positions are described in the GRC bylaws (see below).


Current GRC Board members are:


The duration of all positions is 4 years, except for the Associate Director who will become the Director after 4 years (in 2021).  After 4 years, the Director remains on the Board for 4 more years as immediate Past Director. In accordance with our bylaws, all positions begin on 1 July of the election year OR at the end of the International Symposium on Ranaviruses (ISR), whichever comes first. For 2017, positions will begin 11 June, because the ISR is 7-10 June. On 11 June, Dr. Jesse Brunner (current Associate Director) will become Director, and I will move into the Past Director position. 


Nominations begin today and will remain open for approximately 3 weeks (28 February).  Nominations should be emailed to: [log in to unmask]. Our goal is to have at least two individuals nominated per position. Please consider nominating a colleague (with their permission) or yourself. After nominations are received, we will hold elections (in March) via an online confidential ballot.  Only current GRC members are allowed to vote; 2016 memberships ended on 31 December 2016.  A list of current (2017 paid) and past members is located here: You can renew your membership at


Thank you very much for considering serving the GRC in a leadership role!

All the Best,



Matthew J. Gray, Ph.D., Professor

Director, Global Ranavirus Consortium 

Co-chair, PARC National Disease Task Team

Associate Director, Center for Wildlife Health

University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture 
274 Ellington Plant Sciences Building
Knoxville, TN 37996-4563
865.974.2740 [ofc]                
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