

Dear Ranavirus researchers,

We have been making some behind-the-scenes changes to the<> website to 1) make it easier to keep up on GRC membership and 2) allow for an easier registration process for the upcoming International Ranavirus Symposium and International Symposium on Viruses of Lower Vertebrates in Budapest this June. Since the early-bird deadline for registration is rapidly approaching (end of February!)  I wanted to clarify how this process will work and encourage you to become a member and register for the symposium.

The short version is you should 1) become a member or renew your membership at and then follow the direct link provided in the confirmation email to 2) register for the Ranavirus Symposium (and International Symposium on Viruses of Lower Vertebrates) with the 20 euro member discount.

The longer version is below.

Best wishes,


Membership: You can become a member or renew your membership at . The new system is set up for annual registrations and will send emails when your membership is about to expire. You can also click the box so that your membership will automatically be renewed next year (you can log in and change the billing credit card later, if you need). The membership remains the same same low prices: $15 for students and $30 for everyone else.

These membership dues help support our general mission and outreach, keep the website running (if not up to dateā€¦ any volunteers to help me?!), and help support the International Symposia. Current membership also provide you with a 20 euro discount on IRS conference registration! If you register you will receive a direct link to a registration site with this discount included.

Symposia Registration: We are now providing registration for the ISR and the International Symposium on Viruses of Lower Vertebrates on our website: (But again, if you become a member/renew your membership first you will get a link to our site with reduced member prices.) We can support payments with credit cards, but this comes with a 3% fee to cover the costs of our card processing company. This means that the full amount of your registration fees can go to support the symposium activities. If you wish to avoid these fees you can follow the bank transfer instructions on the conference website (

The abstract registration process will still take place on the conference website (

Website and security: We recently changed our website service provider (some of you may have seen the site offline for a few days), which should make the site more responsive. We also now have a SSL certificate, which means our site communications are encrypted. It is worth noting, however, that any information associated with credit card transactions have never and will never pass through our website; they go directly to/from our credit card processor,<>, which uses industry standard encryption.

You will notice that some site functionality is reduced for a little while. Our theme, which allowed for publications and other posts, conflicted with the new membership plug in. I will work on finding someone who can fix this soon, but for now the site will look a little different and some parts may not be very helpful.