Yes, the things you cite are things that make the difference. I’ll send you copies of last year’s nomination docs for an example.
From: Tom Fernandez [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 11:45 AM
To: Buhler, Douglas <[log in to unmask]>; NC1186 NC1186 <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Great Opportunity
I will be happy to put the information together.
Everyone please fill out the following Excel table with the requested information for grants for which you are the main PI or PD that have arisen because of your involvement in NC1186. I’ve started the spreadsheet out with 2 examples. If
you have leveraged funding from a grant on which someone else is the main PI/PD include by inserting a row under the appropriate grant and filling in columns J,K,L (see the White USDA SCRI grant for an example where I’ve put in the funding we’ve leveraged
and inserted rows for the other co-PIs).
Please provide your top 2-5 accomplishments with outputs, outcomes and impacts (actual or anticipated) related to NC1186. Attached are 3 pdf files that might help with developing impacts, outcomes, outputs statements.
Also list 2-5 added value or synergistic activities/advantages you have gained from being a part of NC1186. They specifically want 1) multi-disciplinary activities, 2) multi-functional integrated activities, and 3) additional partnerships/associations/collaborations.
Doug, would examples be for multi-disciplinary activities our co-meeting with NE1335; multi-funtional integrated activities our Michigan meeting with grower conference; additional partnerships etc the collaborations with specific industry
partners on the SCRI WateR3 grant (Monrovia, Bailey’s, Bennett's Creek, etc)?
Please get your information to me by February 10.
Thanks- Tom