

Yasir A. Ghazi
Student member National executive committee Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society
President- Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society UTK chapter 
President- American medical student Association UTK chapter

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From: Ghazi, Yasir Ammar
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 11:56 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: November 21st/ meeting minutes


Good Afternoon new and current members!

This is a reminder that we will be having our next meeting on November 21st at 5pm, HSS 205. First we will be selling our honor stoles ($25) and cords ($15) at this meeting.


We are also painting the rock after meeting at HSS for 20 minutes. Paint will be provided! I also attached the meeting minutes from our last meeting above. Hope to see all of you all on the 21st!

Best regards, 

Yasir A. Ghazi
Student member National executive committee Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society
President- Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society UTK chapter 
President- American medical student Association UTK chapter

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