Good morning GBP VOLS!!


The Gamma Beta Phi UTK officers welcome you back to Rocky Top! We are looking towards an exciting fall semester! We hope that you all join us this upcoming semester and earn all of your required 9 points early on! Here are our meeting dates for this semester:

Ø  September 19th 5pm – HSS 205

Ø  October 10th 5pm – HSS 205

Ø  October 24th 5pm – HSS 205

Ø  November 20th 5pm – HSS 205

Ø  November 21st 5pm – HSS 205

Be on the look-out for emails about opportunities to volunteer through our UTK GBP Chapter.  As a reminder, below  is how you earn points:

Ø  Nine points are required each semester

Ø  One point for attending the general body meeting

Ø  One point per hour you volunteer with GBP

Ø  One point for joining a committee

Ø  One point per hour for outside volunteer hours (please provided supervisor contact email)

Ø  There will be opportunities to earn points through donations throughout the semester

Ø  At least two of your nine points must come from general body attendance


Induction will be on November 19th.  Closer to time a sign-up sheet will go out with opportunities to volunteer at this event.


If you plan on attending the September 19th meeting please fill out this survey so we can get a headcount for food: September GBP Chapter Meeting



Hope to see you soon!!





Sharon Jean-Philippe, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Urban Forestry

Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries

2431 Joe Johnson Dr., 274 Ellington Plant Science

University of Tennessee

Knoxville, TN 37996

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