

Good Morning,

I hope all is well. I am writing on behalf of the UT Chapter of Gamma Beta Phi (GBP) Honor and Service Society. According to our records, you have been recognized as a member of our national society, through the University of Tennessee. However, you have not fulfilled the national annual requirements for membership. This includes:

  *   Obtaining 9 points each semester via local community service and chapter projects
  *   Being an active member of a chapter committee
  *   Paying your annual chapter dues
Therefore, your membership has been placed on Probation. But don't be alarmed! It is extremely easy to get back on track! As a member of GBP, you can connect with of peers across the country who strive for academic excellence, scholarship and service. You gain access to annual GBP scholarships (FREE MONEY) each spring semester! Finally, you get a chance to work with your UT peers to leave a lasting impact on the city of Knoxville, as over 10,000 GBP collegiate students members are leaving similar community service impacts on their college campuses across the nation! Plus, this distinguished honor looks great on resumes, internship applications, and graduate/professional school applications!

If you would like to get your membership back on track, please contact our Chapter President (Abi Edwards) at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.  We can't wait to connect you with GBP community service opportunities, GBP scholarships and more! Also, please feel free to meet us at either of our monthly chapter meetings, which will be held this week (Wednesday, February 15th and Thursday, February 16th at 6:00 p.m. in HSS Room 120).  If possible, we would love to see you there! Also, please see the meeting dates, times and locations for the rest of our Chapter meetings throughout the spring semester:
March 8th and March 9th - 6:00 pm in HSS 120
April 19th and April 20th - 6:00 pm in HSS 120

If you think you received this e-mail in error, please e-mail Abi at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

President of Gamma Beta Phi
Abi Edwards

Craig S. Pickett, Jr.
Coordinator for Student Life and Diversity
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR)
2621 Morgan Circle
Office: 201-D Morgan Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996-4500
Phone Number: (865) 974 - 7491
Email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>