Hello members,


To wrap up the semester, we’ve got a busy week ahead of us and plenty of opportunities for you to get all of your points.



Please, if you’re interested in running for an executive board position, email the following to [log in to unmask]:


1.       Your name

2.       The position you’re running for

3.       A photo of yourself

4.       A short paragraph about yourself and why you chose to run for this position


We know that last week was a busy time with exams, so we will extend the deadline. Submit your information to the email address before Tuesday April 25 at 5 PM. We encourage you to submit before this week’s meetings so that we can display the candidate information at the chapter meetings. If you didn’t like how things were run this year, an executive board position is a great opportunity for you to make any changes that you see fit.



We are having our final percentage Tuesday April 18 from 5 to 10 PM. This is our final fundraising opportunity and you will earn a point for ordering food and mentioning Gamma Beta Phi at the register. Please bring your friends and RSVP here: https://goo.gl/forms/5FH41JD6jmEyf28f1



We’re having our end of semester social on Thursday April 20 directly after the chapter meeting. The library staff is providing food and entertainment and they need a rough estimate of attendance. You receiver a point for attending. Please RSVP here even if you’re not sure that you can attend: https://goo.gl/forms/WUuJIOm8S9BzM68X2



We’ll be having our final chapter meetings for the year on Wednesday April 20 and Thursday April 21, both at 6 PM in HSS 120. You will earn a point for attending and you will also be entered in a raffle to win a $10 Starbucks Gift Card! We will also have graduation cords ($15) and stoles ($25) available by cash or check only.



-Attending any of the events listed above

-Bringing 3 canned goods (including peanut butter) to any of the events listed above for donation to Second Harvest Food Bank

-Bringing $5 equivalence of toiletries for donation to KARM


You can find all this information and more (including a list of officer positions) in the attached agenda. If you have any questions, please email me at [log in to unmask] instead of responding to this email directly.


Thanks for all your hard work over the semester!

Abi Edwards

President of Gamma Beta Phi

407 902 1379

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