Hello members, This is a reminder that we've got four opportunities to gain points this weekend. You receive one point per hour volunteering with us and there are more than 15 points up for grabs this weekend alone. Big Orange STEM Saturday is April 8 from 8:30-2 in Hodges Library. Please email Valeria Hodge Bond to let her know you're coming. [log in to unmask] There are also three shifts available to volunteer at Rhythm n' Blooms, a music festival in the Old City. We'll be working Friday 4:30-9 PM, Saturday 4:30-9 PM, and Sunday 12:30-5. There are multiple benefits to volunteering. Make sure to RSVP with us: https://goo.gl/forms/IAg2VAGcljEAafQt2 and also through the Rhythm n' Blooms website: http://www.rhythmnbloomsfest.com/volunteer/ And a reminder, we postponed the bake sale because of the potential weather. We will be holding that next Wednesday, so you can earn points for bringing goods to the table and also by supervising the table. Sign up for a time slot here: https://goo.gl/forms/jD8HYcOIeU8NPO5v1 We hope to see you all this weekend. Thanks for your hard work! Abi Edwards