

Good Morning Geographers -
I would like to thank everyone who supported a wonderful Geography Awareness event on the Burchfiel Plaza yesterday.
The wildly successful idea of the interactive map display that engages students with the maps on cork-board which leads to many great conversations came from an undergraduate student about three years ago.  If you have any suggestions about how to improve engagement with students during the event next year, please don't keep them to yourself.  I greatly appreciate ideas and suggestions.
I want to single out Michael Hazelton, Danielle Dami and Brooke Pearson (BS 2015) for their efforts to paint the Rock and get that out on social media.  Kudos!
Club Geography and GARG have been and will be hosting events each Saturday this month at the MUSE Museum and engaging many young children and their parents in geography related activities.  I understand that the sandbox is a HUGE hit.  Thanks to all who are volunteering their time there.
I think we could all learn how to enthusiastically engage student by observing Adam Alsamadisi in action.  I expect that he converted more than a few majors and recruited a couple of minors in his time out front yesterday.
Finally, a big thank you to Mike Camponovo and all the folks that helped him with GIS Day at the library yesterday.  He pulled off a really impressive event that elevated GAW to a whole different level.
There is more on tap this week and I look forward to Dr. O'Brien's talk this afternoon and the Taste of the World event on Friday.
Thank you all for your support of geography education...not just during GAW, but every day.
Kurt Butefish
Tennessee Geographic Alliance

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