Freight Transportation Stakeholders:


Please see below and take note of the opportunity to participate with Transportation, Energy, Environmental and Industry leaders from federal, state and local agencies as they convene in Troy, NY for an informative, action-driven, day-and-a-half program focused on setting priorities for programs and infrastructure to support clean freight corridors in the Northeast, and throughout the United States.

The Clean Corridor Meeting will be broken into two discussion-focused workshops that will advance collaboration across agencies, states and disciplines, and inform the development of tools and guidance to aid in developing clean freight corridors.  The event is hosted by the Northeast Diesel Collaborative (NEDC), through its Northeast Clean Freight Corridors Workgroup, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) Clean Cities Program, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).

FHWA Administrator Greg  Nadeau is scheduled to present the opening morning keynote.

Note this is an in-person workshop only, registration is free.  Information on the meeting agenda, location and registration follows:


The Clean Corridors Meeting is Almost Full!


Are you on the fence about attending the first-ever northeast Clean Corridors Meeting on Nov 3-4 in Troy, NY?  See if this helps get you to the other side:

  • Discussion-focused, problem-solving sessions featuring expert panelists from government and industry.  Pick their brains and pursue opportunities!
  • Healthy mix of energy, transportation, environment, and business perspectives among speakers and registrants.  Make friends "across the aisle"!
  • Geared toward alt fuel, no-idle and efficiency strategies for freight, but also at integrating those with passenger vehicle needs.  Let's build what makes sense!
  • Representation from every state in the Northeast, and beyond.  Plan for corridors, not borders!
  • It's FREE!


Here's the AGENDA  Only our Luncheon speaker remains to be announced!  See the inset box for speaker affiliations.


REGISTER ASAP  Special hotel rates expire next week!


SPONSOR a meal or a coffee break and be visible, like the Port of Albany!


VIEW the webinars leading up to this crowning event!