

Freight Transportation Stakeholders:


FHWA is announcing the establishment of the Emergency Route Working Group (ERWG) for a 2-year period. The ERWG will provide the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, through the Administrator of the FHWA, with advice and recommendations for the implementation of best practices for expeditious State approval of special permits for vehicles involved in emergency response and recovery. The ERWG will provide the U.S. Secretary of Transportation a written report by December 4, 2016, on its findings and recommendation for the implementation of best practices for expeditious State approval of special permits for vehicles involved in emergency response and recovery. The ERWG's advice and recommendations will work within existing legal authorities and not require changes in State or Federal law for DOT to implement.


For more information about the ERWG, including the request for nominations, please refer to the following link:


If you have any questions about ERWG, please send a message to the ERWG e-mail address at [log in to unmask] or contact Crystal Jones at 202-366-2976.