Dear Colleagues,


As communication representatives of your department I wanted to share the following message so you can share it with your respective areas. 


Be Well and the Center for Health Education and Wellness would like to invite you to a Party by the Pool for you and your family! On July 8 from 4pm to 7pm the RecSports Plaza, between  TRECS and Student Aquatic Center, will be reserved for University of Tennessee employees and their families to enjoy games, healthy snacks, inflatables, and fun in the Sun! The outdoor pool will also be open for anyone who would like to cool from the summer heat.


It is our hope that you join the CHEW Staff for this fun event! Click Here to RSVP before Wednesday July 6th or visit our website at





Yusof Al-Wadei

Wellness Coordinator 
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Center for Health Education & Wellness

1800 Volunteer Blvd., Suite 201

Knoxville, TN 37996-3104

Phone: (865)974-5725

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