Please share within your communication networks as appropriate!  This is a fabulous opportunity for new faculty and/or faculty interested in research or teaching partnerships.

Scholarships for UT Employees Interested in Nonprofit Board Training

UT faculty and staff often build their networks outside the university by serving on nonprofit boards. It is rewarding work that makes a real difference in our community.  UT Scholarships are now available to cover all costs for a nonprofit board member training program offered through the Haslam College of Business in partnership with Knoxville's Alliance for Better Nonprofits. The training program itself is open to professionals from across the region, providing further opportunity for building your external network.  Classes meets six Thursday evenings spread over the coming academic year, and include a “match-making” process to help you find the ideal nonprofit board to join.  Find out more>>



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Elizabeth Burman

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Office of Community Engagement and Outreach
406 Blount Hall
1534 White Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37996-1529

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