

Subject: NA Digest, V. 16, # 16

NA Digest  Monday, April 18, 2016  Volume 16 : Issue 16

Today's Editor:

	Daniel M. Dunlavy
	Sandia National Labs
	[log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

	Interval Methods (SWIM), France, Jun 2016
	Mathematical Optimisation Down Under, Australia, Jul 2016
	Singularly Perturbed DEs, Canada, Jul 2016
	FEM for Eigenvalue Problems, USA, Aug 2016
	Applied Analysis, Germany, Sep 2016
	SCAN2016, Sweden, Sep 2016
	Faculty Positions, Mathematics, Univ Otago
	Professorship Position, Applied Mathematics, Tech Univ Berlin
	Research Associate Position, Univ of Bath, UK
	Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, Univ of Gothenburg
	PhD Positions, Scientific Computing, Monash Univ

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Nathalie Revol [log in to unmask]
Date: April 13, 2016
Subject: Interval Methods (SWIM), France, Jun 2016

SWIM 2016 - Summer Workshop on Interval Methods, Lyon, France
June 19-22, 2015

The goal of SWIM is to bring together researchers and practitioners
working on interval methods and their applications, in the broader
sense, providing a forum to review and discuss the state-of-the-art in
this area and fostering cross-fertilization between different

The workshop is mainly focused on theory and applications of interval
methods in various disciplines, e.g., Constraint programming and
global optimization; Computer aided proofs; Verification; Robotics;
Planning and control; Data analysis

SUBMISSIONS are now open. A submission requires 1-2 page abstract
submission according to the given template, to be found on the
submission page: .
Submission deadline: May 16, 2016.

SPECIAL ISSUE: After the workshop, a special issue in an international
journal will be considered.

TUTORIAL by DANIEL WILCZAK on Sunday June 19, about Interval Analysis
in Dynamics.  This tutorial is offered free of charge but subject to
registration on the Website of the workshop:

CONTACT: e-mail to organizers: [log in to unmask]


From: Jeff Linderoth [log in to unmask]
Date: April 17, 2016
Subject: Mathematical Optimisation Down Under, Australia, Jul 2016

(MODU2016 -

The Mathematical Optimisation Down Under workshop will be held in
Melbourne, 18th to 22nd of July 2016.  The workshop is designed to
bring together researchers working in various areas of modern
mathematical optimisation, to prompt an exchange of ideas between
Australian and overseas researchers. The workshop is focussed on the
modern aspects of optimisation that involve deep interplay between
computational problems and pure mathematical questions. We especially
encourage participation of students and early career researchers.

We would now like to invite you to formally register for this event.
For registration and payment please follow this link: .

Important Dates:
Deadline for ECR applications for financial support: 15th May 2016
Early registration deadline:  15 May 2016.
Workshop dates: 18-22 July 2016.

This workshop is embedded in the MATRIX research program
"Approximation and optimisation", with main activities taking place in
Creswick, Victoria from 11 to 15 July 2016.

You may also register interest in attending the MATRIX workshop in
Crewisk via the registration facility on the MATRIX website:

Please direct all enquiries to: [log in to unmask]


From: Scott MacLachlan [log in to unmask]
Date: April 13, 2016
Subject: Singularly Perturbed DEs, Canada, Jul 2016

Registration is now open for a short course and workshop on the
numerical analysis of singularly perturbed differential equations,
organized by the Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical
Sciences Collaborative Research Group in Numerical Analysis and
Scientific Computing, from July 25th-29th, 2016 in Halifax, NS,

The meeting will consist of a 2-day short course on Numerical Analysis
of Singularly Perturbed Differential Equations taught by leading
expert Dr.  Niall Madden (National University of Ireland, Galway),
research level talks by experts in the field, and talks by academic
and industrial researchers with applied problems who have an interest
in applying these techniques.  The final part of the workshop will be
interactive, linking the applied researchers with numerical analysis
experts to investigate the process of introducing parameter-robust
techniques to their simulations.

Confirmed speakers include Andrew Bernoff (Harvey Mudd College),
Adriana Dawes (Ohio State University), Natalia Kopteva (University of
Limerick), Torsten Linß (University of Hagen), and Martin Stynes
(Beijing Computational Science Research Centre).

We invite participation from researchers who are interested in either
the development of advanced algorithms for simulation of singularly
perturbed differential equations or the use of these algorithms in
their work.  Partial funding to support travel and/or local expenses
for students and early- career researchers is available.

For more information, please see


From: Jiguang Sun [log in to unmask]
Date: April 13, 2016
Subject: FEM for Eigenvalue Problems, USA, Aug 2016

Aug. 10-14, 2016 Michigan Technological University

Eigenvalue problems arise in many scientific and engineering
applications.  Finite element methods (FEM) have successfully been
applied to eigenvalues of partial differential equations across
disparate fields, due to their ability to handle complex structures
and rigorous underlying theoretical framework.  The program aims to
mix leading researchers and local faculty in computational mathematics
together to infuse graduate students with the fundamentals of finite
element methods and cutting-edge PDE and matrix eigenvalue
problems. The students will be trained to set up and solve classical
PDE eigenvalue problems, to understand convergence theory, and to
grasp modern techniques for large sparse non-Hermitian matrix
eigenvalue problems. The lectures are arranged so that students will
obtain a complete picture of how finite element methods can be used to
solve eigenvalue problems: from the theory to implementation, from
classical results to active research topics.

Aug. 10: Fundamentals on FEM for Eigenvalue Problems; Laplace
Eigenvalue Problems; Implementation
Dr. Mark Gockenbach, Michigan Technological University

Aug. 11-12: Large Scale Matrix Eigenvalue Problems, Non-Hermitian
Eigenvalue Solvers, Arnoldi Method
Dr. Rich Lehoucq, Sandia National Laboratories

Aug. 13-14: Maxwell's Eigenvalue Pproblems; Mixed Finite Element
Methods for Eigenvalue Problems; Advanced Topics for Eigenvalue
Dr. Daniele Boffi, Università di Pavia, Italy


From: Daniel Potts [log in to unmask]
Date: April 11, 2016
Subject: Applied Analysis, Germany, Sep 2016

Summer School on Applied Analysis
September 19-23, 2016, Chemnitz, Germany

The summer school is devoted to applied analysis.  The courses,
focusing on different aspects of applied analysis, will take place
Monday-Friday during the entire week. It is meant for training of
graduate students, Ph.D. students and young post-doc researchers.  The
registration is free, but we may limit the number of participants if

There will be five general lectures given by the following speakers.
The topics and speakers of the lectures will be

Birgit Jacob (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal)
Well-posedness and stabilization of energy-preserving partial
differential equations

Thomas Kalmes (Technische Universitaet Chemnitz)
Surjectivity of linear partial differential operators on spaces of
scalar valued and vector valued distributions

Thomas Kuehn (Universitaet Leipzig)
Optimal approximation of multivariate periodic functions

Dirk Langemann (Technische Universitaet Braunschweig)
Mathematical modeling of life-science applications

Fredi Troeltzsch (Technische Universitaet Berlin)
An introduction to optimal control of partial differential equations

Further information and online registration is available on the


From: Nathalie Revol [log in to unmask]
Date: April 13, 2016
Subject: SCAN2016, Sweden, Sep 2016

SCAN 2016: 17th International Symposium on Scientific Computing,
Computer Arithmetics and Verified Numerics
Uppsala University, Sweden, September 26-29, 2016.

Call for abstracts: All participants interested in presenting a
contribution are asked to submit an abstract, following instructions
to be found at

Submission of the abstract should be done no later than May 6, 2016 to
[log in to unmask]

All the abstracts submitted are considered by the scientific
committee, and the authors will receive an acceptance notification no
later than June 10, 2016.

The accepted abstracts will be published in electronic form at the
web-site of SCAN2016 and in a printed book of abstracts. At least one
author of an accepted abstract must have paid the registration fee to
be published in the book of abstracts.

Registration is already open, cf.
early bird rate applies until July 15.


From: David Bryant [log in to unmask]
Date: April 13, 2016
Subject: Faculty Positions, Mathematics, Univ Otago

The department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of
Otago invites applications for two positions in Mathematics. The
appointments are expected to be made at the Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
level. The U.S. equivalent level of appointment is Assistant Professor
(Lecturer) and Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer). We welcome
applications from candidates with research expertise in any area of
Mathematics. Research areas of current Mathematics staff include
algebra, complex analysis, fractional calculus with applications,
functional analysis, graph theory, mathematical biology, mathematical
physics, operator algebra, polar-marine physics, ring theory and
stochastic PDE. Our expectation is that one position will be offered
in pure mathematics and the other in applied mathematics. Otago has
consistently been among the top-ranked research universities in New
Zealand, with Pure and Applied Mathematics research at Otago topping
the most recent national ranking assessment. The University values
research and research-informed teaching, and teaching assignments and
loads are structured accordingly. The University is located in the
vibrant southern city of Dunedin, which is a gateway to the beautiful
Otago region of New Zealand. We encourage academics to establish and
maintain international research connections, and we support this with
generous research/sabbatical and conference leave.

Candidates for this position should have a PhD in Mathematics or
equivalent, a demonstrated commitment to ongoing mathematical research
with a potential to develop a research program of international
repute, and demonstrated success and/or aptitude in teaching
Mathematics. The successful applicant will be capable of teaching the
full range of our Mathematics courses at the undergraduate level, from
first-year to Honours courses, and will supervise postgraduate
research students. The position is full time and permanent subject to
the satisfactory completion of the confirmation-path objectives for
new appointees.  The confirmation-path process is similar to the
process of gaining tenure but is entirely internal with predetermined
objectives. We welcome international candidates and provide financial
assistance for relocation and visa applications. There is a wealth of
practical information available for migrants considering a move to New
Zealand and Dunedin.

Specific enquiries about this position may be directed to the Head
of Department Professor Robert Aldred. Applications quoting
reference number 1600643 will close on Friday, 20 May 2016.

For contact details, applications forms, and further information, see


From: Etienne Emmrich [log in to unmask]
Date: April 13, 2016
Subject: Professorship Position, Applied Mathematics, Tech Univ Berlin

Technische Universität Berlin calls for applications for a five-year
non-tenure track professorship in Applied Mathematics, funded via the
Berlin program for equal opportunities for women.  The position
requires research and teaching in the area of applied
mathematics. Areas of research expertise of applicants should include
but are not limited to:

    Applied harmonic analysis
    Compressed sensing
    Inverse problems
    Control theory
    Mathematical imaging and data science
    Multi-scale problems and homogenization
    Non-linear optimization and optimal control
    Non-linear partial differential equations
    Numerical analysis
    Uncertainty quantification

Teaching will be required in all mathematical degree programs
(including undergraduate) and in the service teaching of mathematics
for other programs. Teaching requirements must be met in German and
English. Candidates are expected to supervise students' theses on
Bachelor, Master and PhD level as well as to participate in the
academic administration of the university.

More information can be found here:


From: Robert Scheichl [log in to unmask]
Date: April 12, 2016
Subject: Research Associate Position, Univ of Bath, UK

Postdoc in Computational Modelling of Materials for Energy

A postdoctoral research position is available at the University of
Bath, as part of the EU Horizon2020 Energy oriented Centre of
Excellence for Computer Applications ( As part of
the "Materials for Energy" thematic area the project is to carry out
computational studies of new materials at the nanoscale. The position
is linked to the Device Modelling group of Prof Alison Walker
(Physics), the Materials Chemistry group of Prof Saiful Islam
(Chemistry), and the Scientific Computing group of Prof Robert
Scheichl (Mathematics).

The main aims of the research project are:
- To provide an organized set of computational routines in a
  multiscale model to address ion diffusion, as well as electronic
  structure and transport properties of energy-related materials.
- To set up a screening methodology for PV materials and lithium-ion
  batteries with optimal energy conversion and storage capabilities.
- To develop cutting-edge numerical and computational tools to aid
  simulation and visualisation of hybrid perovskite, organic PV and

Essential: Previous experience in computational physics, computational
chemistry or computational materials science, programming in a
compiled language, experience in methodology development and in

Closing Date:  Monday 02 May 2016

Further information and an online application form are available at

Informal enquiries may be addressed to: [log in to unmask]


From: Axel Målqvist [log in to unmask]
Date: April 11, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, Univ of Gothenburg

The department of mathematics at Chalmers University of Technology and
University of Gothenburg announces a Postdoc position in computational
mathematics. The main of the project is to develop, analyze, and
implement efficient numerical methods for solving partial differential
equations with rapidly varying coefficients on complex domains.  We
are interested in applicants with expertise in multiscale problems and
finite element analysis. For more information please contact Axel
Målqvist ([log in to unmask]).

Please apply online:


From: Hans De Sterck [log in to unmask]
Date: April 18, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, Scientific Computing, Monash Univ

Applications are invited for PhD positions in scientific computing in
the research group of Prof. Hans De Sterck at Monash University,
Melbourne, Australia (School of Mathematical Sciences), for a start
date between August and December 2016.

Topics of interest include:
- Distributed algorithms for optimization and big data analytics
  in Spark
- Nonlinear preconditioning for nonlinear optimization
- High-order methods for CFD on parallel adaptive cubed-sphere grids
 (with applications in space plasmas)
- Parallel multigrid in time for large-scale PDE simulation

Requirements: strong background in applied mathematics/computer
science/engineering, good programming skills, interest in numerical
algorithm development and parallel computing.

Expressions of interest are due (via email to
[log in to unmask]) no later than May 10, 2015. Please include
in your email: CV, statement of interest, and scans of transcripts.

More information:

End of Digest