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On Feb.25, Thursday, from noon to 1pm, in the 

seminar space in Hoskins Library, 2d floor, we are hosting a talk by Dr. Susan Eastman 

(Dept. of English, Univ. of Tennessee Chattanooga), entitled 

"The Evolution of the Veterans' Writing Project at UTC". At UTC, she has led a writing group of veteran students, and will share her experience. If any UTK students were interested in starting something like this, the talk could be very useful to them, and they are most welcome to attend! 

Second, I wanted to spread the word about the new Bailey Essay Prize for 2016, which might interest UT veterans. I paste the call for applications below. The competition is open to all currently enrolled UT undergrad students, regardless of major. 

Sincerely, Vejas. 



Hop Bailey Jr. Essay Prize 2016


Call for Applications


Currently enrolled undergraduates at UT (in any major) are eligible to enter the competition for the first annual Hop Bailey Jr. Essay Prize for 2016, administered by the Center for the Study of War and Society. This award honors Hop Bailey Jr., a distinguished pilot of the Second World War who took part in the invasion of Normandy. The first award to the winning essay is $1,200 (one thousand two hundred dollars), and a second prize will be awarded in the sum of $750 (seven hundred fifty dollars). 


The deadline for the submission of the completed essay is March 15, 2016, emailed to the Director of the Center at [log in to unmask] . The essay must be five pages (a maximum of 1,500 words) and must be accompanied by proof of enrollment at UT for spring semester 2016 (such as a UT transcript). As evidence, the essay must use two of the oral histories posted on our new World War II Oral Histories project (from two different service branches), online at  , to address the question:


What were the three most important features in the experience of Americans serving in World War II as a global conflict? How did the war change Americans who served?


No outside sources are required, but if they are used or quoted, they must be cited with full publication information in footnote form. Essays will be judged on their historical insight, the quality of the prose, and the integration of documentary evidence from the two oral histories consulted. Quotes from the oral histories should be followed by the time in the online interview (e.g., Smith, part IV, 3:07). 


The prize is to be awarded at a public celebration on the evening of April 4, 2016, and be sure to note that attendance by the prize winner at this event is a requirement for receiving the award, as is giving permission to the Center to post the winning essays on the Center website. 


If you are intending to submit an essay, please send an email noting your interest as soon as possible to the Director of the Center at [log in to unmask] , along with any questions you might have.