

Hello Everyone,


As you know we are all waiting for the decision about the FLSA laws.  If everyone has time, please share with us your University’s plan if the law stays as they have proposed. Please also let me know your University’s view on the teaching exemption. We continue to get the opinion from our System’s Human Resources that our Agents do not qualify.  


I have placed the University of Tennessee information below.


For example:


Are you making your employees non-exempt below the 50, 440?

We do not want to do this as it will cause confusion in the county having some agents non-exempt and some exempt. Our titles can not hold exempt status in one position and a non exempt status in another position with the same title.


Are you using the teaching exemption?

              At first we were informed that this would work for Extension agents.  Now they are saying our agents do not qualify.


Are you raising all Agents to 50,440?

              Unfortunately, our budget will not allow this for all our agents. We may be able to raise some that are very close to the minimum.


Please list any ideas you are using or considering.


Thank you all so very much for taking the time to do this for us.



Deb Welch

Management Specialist

Payroll and Human Resources

212 D Morgan Hall, 2621 Morgan Circle

Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-4525

865-974-7246 Office / 865-607-8946 Mobile / 865-974-0882 Fax

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