[http://www.uscb.edu/student_life/get_involved/student_organizations/docs/gbpLogo.gif] Greeting Gamma Beta Phi, Friendly reminder: Gamma Beta Phi chapter meeting tonight (Feb. 3rd) and Thursday (Feb. 4th) at 7:00 pm in the Haslam Business Building room 102. Snacks and drink will be provided!! P.S. If you haven't paid your chapter dues ($15) you can do so at either tonight's or tomorrow's meeting. Hope to see everybody there!! Sharon Jean-Philippe, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Urban Forestry Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries 2431 Joe Johnson Dr., 274 Ellington Plant Science University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996 [log in to unmask] 865-974-2946 [https://ag.tennessee.edu/marketing/EmailLogos/UTIA.jpg]