

Hello GBP Members!

We have a service project that is THIS Saturday, February 20th. We will talk more about it tonight at the meeting, but I wanted to send out some information for those of you planning on coming to the Thursday meeting. If you are interested in this opportunity you need to sign up by TOMORROW (Thursday, February 18th). You will get a point for each hour you volunteer and it will be a GBP event. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Alyssa Powlus ([log in to unmask]) with your name and email by NOON on Thursday, February 18th. Please read the information about the event below. 

This Saturday is the Scott Hamilton and Friends event for the Proton Therapy Center in Knoxville, TN. This Proton Therapy Center has changed the lives of many cancer patients and brought them into remission. The following services are needed for the event:

Convention Center Shuttle Greeters: (8 volunteers needed)
When shuttles arrive from the Coliseum, greeters will assist the guests as they unload buses and direct guests into the Convention Center entrance to the Ballroom. Time needed 6:15pm-8:00pm.
Convention Center Door Greeters: (4 volunteers needed)
As guests arrive, door greeters will assist guests as they enter the building in finding the restrooms, locating coat check, finding the ballroom, etc. Time needed 6:15pm-8:00pm.
Convention Center Hallway Greeters: (2 volunteers needed)
Some guests may choose not to take advantage of the shuttle buses and park at the Coliseum for the show then move their car to the Convention Center for the dinner. As guests enter the building from area parking lots, volunteers would assist guests in finding the restrooms, locating coat check, finding the ballroom, etc. Time needed 6:15pm-8:00pm.

Convention Center Ballroom Greeters: (8 volunteers needed)
Volunteers will help guests find their assigned seats/tables prior to dinner. Time needed 6:15pm-8:00pm.

Don’t forget about the GBP meeting tonight and tomorrow at 7 pm in HBB 102!!

Alyssa Powlus