

Friends of the Southern Region –


The NERAOC Coordinating Committee is looking for a few good friends to help and I’m specifically looking for my southern region colleagues to facilitate several sessions.  See below and let me know if you can help our HR committee out. 


I really appreciate it.




Chris McClendon

Alabama Cooperative Extension System

ACES Business Office

105 Duncan Hall

Auburn University, AL 36849

(334) 844-5531

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“Supervision from a distance”


“New Leader Assimilation”


·         Accelerate development of an effective working team to drive productivity.

·         Expose new leader to any team concerns and key work issues quickly.

·         Facilitate team learning about new leaders leadership and management style, as well as expectations of the team.

·         Set a climate in which questions and issues can raised and resolved, instill a “safe to speak up” environment.

·         Get the organization off to a strong start.


Organizational Cultures  and Employee Litigious Conduct  


·         Recognizing behaviors of managers and supervisors that are likely to trigger lawsuits.

·         Identify preventative measures that can be implemented to mitigate the risk of the lawsuit or claim.