Please see the attached PDFs with descriptions for Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) positions currently available in the Geography & Geospatial Science program at Oregon State University. Both positions would be carried out with the collaboration and supervision of Prof. Jamon Van Den Hoek (website).

Brief descriptions below:

  1. Conflict Ecology -- GRA will examine spatial and temporal patterns of land use/land cover change, conflict/war incidence, climate change, and socioeconomic conditions to better understand environmental changes preceding or following violent social conflict. The GRA will utilize quantitative (remote sensing and geospatial programming) and qualitative methods (census and demographic data analysis) to characterize changing socio-environmental relationships across various geographies; conduct in-depth literature reviews; and explore innovative approaches to couple environmental and social change in regions of conflict.
  2. Remote Sensing of Forest Cover Change in Nepal -- GRA will work on a NASA-funded interdisciplinary research effort to map forest cover change patterns across the Middle Hills of Nepal and examine relationships between change patterns, community forestry, and socio-political transition over a 25 year period. The GRA will primarily utilize Landsat satellite imagery and geospatial programming to analyze large volumes of satellite data locally in a high performance computing (HPC) environment as well as on the ‘cloud’. In addition, there is potential opportunity for funded summer fieldwork in Nepal.

Please share widely and contact [log in to unmask] if interested in applying.


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