

As a CampusLabs partner, all faculty and staff at UT have access to the various webinars they offer about assessment including using and developing rubrics, using Baseline for surveys and rubrics, and other topics relating to improving the student experience. Often, these are jointly conducted by CampusLabs personnel with partner institutions.

The full calendar of webinars and registration information (it's free, other than your time) is available at (their online support website.  They are conducted using GoToMeetings.

Some topics that might be of interest scheduled for November and December are:

Tuesday, November 10, Using the New Campus Labs Rubrics Tool

Tuesday, November 17, Advanced Rubric Assessment

Wednesday, December 2, Creating a Plan for Student Success

Wednesday, December 16, Creative Quick Assessment Techniques in Theory and Practice (with Quinnipiac University)

SACS COC Liaison

Office of Accreditation


Please be patient. If it is urgent, please call the office.

To learn more about assessment, contact the Tennessee Teaching and Learning Center, [log in to unmask], 865-974-3807

For assistance with data and surveys, contact the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, [log in to unmask], 865-974-1428