

Good morning Canoe and Hikers!

First, the moon lit bike ride is still on tonight so if you plan on going, make sure to pick up your bike (AND HELMET!) from UTOP before the meeting tonight. If it is raining, it will be up to the individual if they want to go. We have gone in the rain before. You'll also need a headlamp so either get one from UTOP or email Austin if you don't have your own.

Secondly, there will be sign ups for Virgin Falls backpacking AND Indian Grave Point Caving tonight! Wahoo! So come to the meeting for the run down of those trips.

Next Wednesday (11/4) , we need a volunteer to go with Austin to the Officer Training Workshop at the TRECS. The training is at 6 pm and usually lasts an hour. Email Austin if you want to go.

See you all tonight!

Hayley Moran, B.S.

Master's Student

Department of Child & Family Studies

The University of Tennessee- Knoxville

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