

Hello Everyone!


Please see the message below from Tom Fernandez. Please let him know if you are attending the meeting, tour, etc., if you have not done so.


Also, please send me your station report, one report per state.


Thank you and look forward to seeing you in Michigan in the near future.




From: Tom Fernandez [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2015 10:59 AM
To: Genhua Niu
Subject: Re: meeting


Hi Genhua, will you please send another reminder of the meeting and ask participants to let me know if they’re coming, how many will attend from their group, and if they plan to attend the tour. So far I only have responses from:


you, Paul Fisher (+2 grad students), Yan Chen, James Altland, Rosa Raudales, Raul Cabrera (but don’t know if he’s attending the tour), Jim Owen (+3?), Marc van Iersel, Sarah White, John Majstrik. I also assume Amy Fulcher is coming since she’s on the program.


Please remind everyone to make their reservations soon if they haven’t already. There will also be a $50 registration fee payable by check. You can just forward this email to the group if you like. Thanks- Tom

Dr. Tom Fernandez

Department of Horticulture

1066 Bogue St., Room A216

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI 48824-1325


Phone: 517-353-0336

Fax: 517-353-0890

Skype: rtomfernandez











On Jul 6, 2015, at 10:25 AM, Genhua Niu <[log in to unmask]> wrote:




I will attend the tour – thank you very much for hosting!

Have a great week!
