

Dear GRC:

I recently updated the ranavirus citation list that I maintain at the bottom of my personal website ( to include all of the 2014 and 2015 publications.  For most papers, hyperlinks are provided.

Very impressive, 76 publications on ranaviruses in the past 1.5 years!

In addition to this resource, the GRC (Jesse) maintains a publication page (  As you publish papers, please share with Jesse and me, and we'll be certain they are listed on these websites.

Also, an update on the symposium products.  We plan to post copies and audio of presentations (for those that gave permission) to the GRC website by September.  We also will post minutes from the GRC business and regional meetings as well as summaries of the urgent research directions identified during the breakout discussions.  We'll let you know when these resource are available.  Information will be posted here:

Lastly, we are working on the Request for Proposals to host the 2017 or the 2019 International Symposium on Ranaviruses.  It will be released soon with an October deadline.  During the GRC business meeting we decided to do a simultaneous call for both symposia, so that the hosts of the 2019 symposium could give an overview of what to expect at the end of the 2017 meeting.  Please consider hosting the symposium.  The GRC Board will help the host planning committee through the process.

All the Best,
Matthew J. Gray, Ph.D., Professor
Director, Global Ranavirus Consortium<>
Co-chair, PARC National Disease Task Team<>
Associate Director, Center for Wildlife Health ORU
University of Tennessee
274 Ellington Plant Sciences Building
Knoxville, TN 37996-4563
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