Please find attached a leaflet that alerts people to the occurrence of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in Britain (captive animals only – so far) and how to minimise the risks of this and other diseases spreading amongst captive collections and from captive to wild animals.


Although the leaflet alerts people to B.sal in Britain, the message is general and applicable to herpetologists everywhere and to amphibian diseases in general.


It has been put together with a host of organisations and, I’m pleased to say, it has also been endorsed by OATA and REPTA, the two main international amphibian trade organisations in Europe.


The leaflet has been tweeted from:


And posted on the Garden Wildlife Health Facebook page at:


The PDF is also on the Garden Wildlife Health website at:


Please re/tweet, link, post, email, blog, etc., as you wish.


With many thanks for your help in disseminating this message.




Andrew A. Cunningham BVMS PhD Dip. ECZM (Wildlife Population Health) MRCVS

Professor of Wildlife Epidemiology & Deputy Head, Institute of Zoology

Visiting Professor, Royal Veterinary College

Visiting Professor, Universidad Andres Bello

Honorary Professor, University College London


Institute of Zoology

Zoological Society of London

Regents Park

London NW1 4RY


+44 (0)20 7449 6674

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