

Fellow Alumni,


The deadline is fast approaching to make your nominations for the SIS Alumni Society Board!  Nominations for VP, Secretary and At-Large Board Members are still being accepted until this Friday, June 26th, at 12:00 noon.


To nominate yourself or another deserving alum, simply visit:


Thank You!


J. Michael Lindsay

President, SIS Alumni Society Board, 2014-5

UT SIS, MSIS, Class of 2002



J. Michael Lindsay, MSIS, AHIP
Serials/E Resources Librarian, Associate Professor

Health Information Center

Preston Medical Library

UT Graduate School of Medicine, and UT Health Science Center, Knoxville

1924 Alcoa Hwy, Box U-111

Knoxville, TN 37920

P: 865-305-9528

F: 865-305-9527


Have a question about a library resource but don’t have a lot of time to tell us about it? 

Try our text line: 865-262-8920


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