

?There have been some staffing changes within the offices responsible for overseeing academic assessment. We wanted to make sure everyone was aware of these changes.

  1.  As you probably know by now Emily Walling is no longer with the Office of Accreditation. Karen Held was hired to fill that position. Her contact information is 865-974-7074, [log in to unmask] She is still learning the Planning Module in Compliance Assist, so please be patient as we work through the transition.
  2.  Ashley Charsha will be away from the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment for several weeks this summer. If you have questions about entering any of your assessment reports into the Planning Module of Compliance Assist, feel free to contact Mary Albrecht, Office of Accreditation, 865-974-7074, [log in to unmask] Don't forget to check the How to Guides under Resources at
  3.  Corinne Nicolas has resigned  her position within the Tennessee Teaching and Learning Center. For assistance with assessment, contact that office at [log in to unmask] or 865-974-3807. In your message, make sure you let them know that you need help with assessing student learning outcomes and please explain what sort of help you need so your inquiry can be directed to the correct person.

We ask for your patience as we go through this transition period. And, as new personnel come on board, we will let you know.



Mary Lewnes Albrecht, PhD

Associate Vice Provost for Accreditation

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

527 Andy Holt Tower

Knoxville, TN 37992

Voice: 865-974-7074

Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>


"Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education . . . The human mind is our fundamental resource." John F. Kennedy