I guess I really need to return to my Twitter 101 class, thanks Jake!
We'll miss you during the conference.. and in the evenings.

>>> "Kerby, Jacob L" <[log in to unmask]> 05/27/15 3:28 PM >>>
Ha… well as a quick Twitter lesson, one cannot reserve # (hashtags). I have set us up with an account on Twitter (@RanavirusGRC) that you can follow if you are on it yourself. That will be tied directly to us- but only those of us with the account info can post from it. Therefore, the # is just an agreed upon designation for everyone to use while tweeting about the conference. It provides an easy tag for people to later search through tweets about the conference. So while there might be stray tweets about Rocca Vision 2015- during that week of the conference it should mostly be filled with our tweets about great talks. As I am unable to attend the conference this year, the use of the #RV2015 allows people like me to check my Twitter feed and see what the latest and greatest news is from the RV world.

Jake Kerby, Ph.D. (@ecologyprof)
Associate Professor
University of South Dakota
Biology Department
414 E. Clark Street
Vermillion, SD 57069
Office: (605) 677-6170

On May 27, 2015, at 1:25 PM, David Lesbarreres <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I think that # is already taken...

>>> "Gray, Matt" <[log in to unmask]> 05/27/15 12:56 PM >>>



For those attending (or want to follow) the 2015 Ranavirus Symposium, Jake Kerby set up the Twitter feed: #RV2015 


We hope this will provide another discussion platform during and outside of sessions. 


All the Best, Matt