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Section of Phillip Fulmer Way to Close Tomorrow

A section of Phillip Fulmer Way, from Cumberland Avenue to Middle Drive, will close tomorrow as part of the Student Union construction project. Vehicles will be able to access Middle Drive and the Hill by turning right from northbound Phillip Fulmer Way next to Neyland Stadium. The road will reopen by August 1. Learn more about the closure.


UC Parking Services Closes Friday

The UC location of Parking Services will close tomorrow. The staff will relocate permanently to the main Parking Services office, located at 2121 Stephenson Drive. If you need to purchase a summer parking permit, you can purchase it online or in person at the Stephenson Drive location.


see you there

Celebrate Graduating Seniors During Aloha Oe

Be a part of one of UT’s oldest traditions, Aloha Oe, at 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 5, on the Hill. Seniors will pass the Torch of Service to fellow students. Rick Kuhlman, UT alumnus and director of Knoxville Fellows, will speak. Refreshments will be served after the ceremony.


Student Organization Asks for Your Help in Earthquake Relief

UT’s Nepali Students Association is asking for your help in efforts to raise money for earthquake relief in Nepal. The student organization asks for you to consider donating any amount of money to UNICEF or the American Red Cross by selecting “Nepal Earthquake Relief” in the “Use My Donation to Support” section.



Congratulations to This Year’s Torchbearers

The Torchbearer award is the highest UT student honor, given to graduating seniors for academic excellence and service to the university and society at large. Learn about all nine of this year’s Torchbearers’ achievements on the Chancellor’s Honors Banquet website.


Enter ‘The Next MacGyver’ Contest

“The Next MacGyver” is looking for ideas for a show that would feature a female engineer in the lead role. Five winners will be given $5,000 each and will be paired with some of Hollywood’s most influential producers. Students—male or female, engineer or not—are encouraged to enter. Learn more about this one-of-a-kind opportunity.



Center for Health Education and Wellness Thanks You

As Sexual Assault Awareness Month wraps up, the Center for Health Education and Wellness thanks YOU, the Volunteer community, for diligent work over the past year to address sexual assault. Take a moment to read more about our campus efforts.

see you there

WUTK Radio Station Hosts Annual Exam Jam

WUTK will host Exam Jam at 9:00 p.m. this Saturday at the Concourse at the International, 940 Blackstock Avenue. Performances will include Zach and Kota’s Sweet Life, Sidecar Symposium, Annandale, and Tina Tarmac and the Burns. A $5 minimum donation to the WUTK Gift Fund gets you in the door.



Staying in Knoxville This Summer?

Get out and explore Knoxville. Take a hike, catch a show, or visit some of our best-known attractions. Check out the city’s list of things to do— then go explore on your own or with a friend.

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