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Help Us Celebrate Earth Day This Thursday

Did you know that UT is a sustainability leader in the SEC? Our university leads in green initiatives and energy conservation, the purchase of green power, having the lowest energy use per square foot, and recycling. Let’s celebrate our achievements and our continued efforts in sustainability at Thursday’s Earth Day celebration, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Humanities Ampitheater. Learn more about the celebration and other campus Earth Month events.



Residence Hall Quiet Hours Begin Friday

Final exams are right around the corner, and many students choose to study in their residence hall rooms. Twenty-four hour a day quiet hours begin at 9:00 p.m. Friday, April 24, and will end at 9:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 5, to allow students the quiet time they need to study and rest.


Stop by the Pancake Supper Tonight

If you are craving a late-night meal tonight, stop by the Chancellor’s Pancake Supper. The Chancellor’s senior staff will be on the second floor of Hodges Library from 9:00 to 10:30 p.m. to serve pancakes to students in celebration of the end of the semester.



Congratulations to Gene Mitchell Pioneer Award Recipient

This Chancellor’s Honors Banquet award recognizes a student or group for promoting cultural diversity and enrichment on campus. Congratulations to the Summer LEAD Institute Action Committee, a group dedicated to access, advocacy, and representation for underrepresented students.


see you there

Free Lunch on Pedestrian Walkway This Friday

Celebrate the last day of classes and let Multicultural Mentoring Program, SGA, and the Student Alumni Associates serve you lunch fresh off the grill. The free lunch is open to all and takes place from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. this Friday on Pedestrian Walkway.

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Last Week of This Semester’s Lunch Hours

Tomorrow and Friday are the last days this semester you can invite a faculty or staff member to lunch at no charge through the Office of the Dean of Students Lunch Hours program. Learn how you can participate then make sure to invite your favorite faculty or staff member to lunch before the week ends!



End of Semester Details in RecSports Report

Make sure to check out RecSports’ hours for the end of the semester and look into getting a student summer membership if you are not taking summer classes in this week’s RecSports Report.


Recruit New Students at Summer Showcase

Student organizations are invited to participate in the Student Engagement Showcase, a browse session held during new student orientation. The event is an opportunity for your organization to connect with and recruit interested new students and will be held twice a week throughout the summer. Learn more about the showcase and register to participate.

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